I've always wondered what my life would be like if I was born in a different era, if I perhaps, belong in a different era. It's one of the inevitable things you think about - along with the effects of your death to those around you and what it would feel like if you stuck your head in a fan (or maybe its just me). If I had to choose a decade to call my own, it'd be the sixties, no competition. Well the 60s or the 80s, they'd each have to choose a representative and duke it out in a hoedown in some abandoned shed for my loyalty. But the 60s would probably pull out a love gun set on "stun" and blow the 80s right out of the shed with peace lasers!
MR, Why? :
1. The rise of feminism.
2. The whole free love thing.
3. THE MUSIC THE BEATLES, IS IT NECESSARY FOR ME TO SAY MORE? But I’ll say more for your benefit, oh uneducated urchins. The Supremes, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley,The Who,The Rolling Stones,The Mamas and the Papas,The Beach Boys,The Velvet Underground,The Seekers.The people who lived in this era were blessed wif good music on the radio,unlike the trash on ours with constant references to dicks and chicks nd chicks wif dicks? ;)
4. I just conclude that the 60s seemed lika beautiful time to be alive in.